Ice Cube & Friends

There’s something about being “wanded” down at airport security or a major Hip Hop event which makes you feel important, ”Gangsta” or which you look just a little bit shady, all at the same time. I was somewhat disappointed however when the screws in my toes didn’t register, not even a blip on the handheld radar.

Still, mob deep with the local Sydney Hip Hop community, we ventured forward to see artists which molded our youth, in spite of my newly reformed feet and swag. Apparently, I’m still wand worthy.

A Cypress Hill fan from the Blackest of Sundays, I’m not sure if anyone was surprised nor discouraged in the math of The Game withdrawing from the Australian events at short notice, yet again.. I suppose controversy will always out way integrity and responsibility. Something for International Touring Artists and perhaps my new feet to remember as I set forth and over the proverbial Hill.

Kudos to Qudos for expecting everything and it eventuates in nothing at all. Better to be prepared than not so. After all these years, there is still a stigma attached to the Hip Hop genre which transcends the Pacific Ocean, through the equator, and differing drug and gun laws. More than likely, it was the imagery portrayed in film clips and contentious lyrics in the 1990’s which paints a story other than what is pure unadulterated artistry and self-marketing at an ingenious finest- and maybe still way ahead of time as we now know it.

Is not an event or personal exhibit about stage presence and showmanship after all??

Please, entertain me.

MJR did exactly that. Warming the stage, DJ Total Eclipse showcased his pioneer turntablism in a short set which I can’t say we we’re finished with. Sydney, in near full attendance, welcomed the X-cutioners DJ in loud Australian form.

Australian hip hop duo AB Original were an inspired replacement for The Game and slaughtered the Sydney crowd in a highly energetic set. Briggs and Trials brought a short, powerful performance to the Qudos Arena, highlighting to their international peers the

After 35 years in business, Cypress Hill cemented to the Sydney audience their expertise and . The Godfathers of Hip Hop graced the stage with a homage to both Black Sabbath and Metallica as part of the intro. 

By Pieta Clarke

Michelle Symes