Aspy no longer hates his job !

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Aspy Jones has been writing since age 16, his very first song titled “I hate my job” actually got him fired after he repeatedly sang it at work until the boss took notice. At 23 he has continued to grow as a songwriter, with his first song ‘Mind Arrest’ which dealt with anxiety and overthinking as a teenager. the song went onto reach the semi-finals of the Listen Up Song Writing Competition and his follow single ‘Fast Lane’ was recorded with ARIA award winning producer Paulie Bromley and Steve Summers at Yama Nui Studios on the Sunshine Coast. Aspy has also been making his presence felt on the festival circuit with appearances at the Rainbow Beach Spring Fest and Undercover Artist Festival, along with his solo shows across Queensland. Aspy is also an advocate for more artists with disability within the music industry, having been diagnosed with Aspergers and also deals with short term memory loss, anxiety and focus. We got to chat to Aspy about his music, the challenges he faces and getting his start in the Rock Skool program

For those that haven’t heard your music before, how you describe your sound?

Definitely eclectic. Its usually an upbeat mix of indie pop, roots, folk and rock.

Tell us about your new song?

‘Fast Lane’ is about how we all travel through life at different speeds. Some of us race through trying to accomplish as much as possible and other’s like to go at a slower pace and enjoy every moment.

What does the song mean to you?

I obviously move through life at the slower pace but that’s ok, there’s no right or wrong way to live your life, just whatever suits you.

Who came up with the concept for the video? Any memorable moments during the making of it?

The video was shot at a few great locations between Gympie and Maryborough in regional Queensland. It represents the different speeds that people travel through life. It was very memorable because we lost the drone while making the video but luckily we managed to save some of the footage we took. Turned out to be a very expensive video in the end!

Can we expect an album/ when is the album out?

I don’t have any plans for an album yet, I don’t think I’m ready.

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Are there plans to tour for the album?

Although there is no album, I am desperate to start touring around Australia. I was planning to start this year but Covid hit and everything became very uncertain.

How did you get your start in music?

I got fired from my job as a bakery apprentice because I was terrible at it. I wrote a song called ‘Hate my job’ and kept singing it until my parents agreed to let me have a go at a career in music.

What's your Favourite thing about touring and being on the road?

I’ll let you know when I’ve done it.

What's the worst part about touring and being on the road?

I’ll let you know when I’ve done it.

Who do you credit as your musical influences?

My influences are a bit eclectic also, Bowie, Mercury, Billy Joel and Mumford and Sons, I think I was born in the wrong era.

Where was your first gig? Was it a success or flop?

My first gigs were part of a Rock Skool program when I was about 15, then I started busking and eventually got a covers band together so it was more of a slow build.

What’s been the highlight in your career so far personally? And why?

I doubted my abilities as a songwriter for so long, so every time someone tells me how much they connect to one of my songs, it blows my mind. Or when I’m at a gig and someone is singing the words to one of my songs along with me, that’s an amazing feeling.

Who in your crew or team deserves a shout out but never gets one? And what is they do that keeps your world turning?

My drummer, Caleb. We’ve been playing together for about 6 years and I don’t know how he puts up with me because I’m so frustrating to work with.

What's next for you? What can we expect with 2022 approaching?

I’m already in the process of recording more music for 2022 so there will be lots of new music releases. And we’re supporting The Fabulous Caprettos (Daryll Braithwaite, Russell Morris, Rai Thistlethwayte and Jack Jones) in January and the Music is Life Festival in Gladstone plus lots more gigs yet to be announced! Follow my Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates!

ASPY JONES - FAST LANE [Official Video] - YouTube

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Interview by Michelle Symes

October 2021