The best time is ME TIME

Mark James & Pipi Le Oui (aka Peewee Ferris), two of the pioneering legends of Australian Dance music are back together. Between the two, they have scored countless chart-topping hits, staging massive festivals like ‘Future Music’ as well as scoring the music for the Olympics. Teaming up on their new record label ‘Two Tribes Records,’ the lads have been busy, writing dance music for the new generation of club and festival goers and with the release of ‘Me Time’ you’re going to be hearing their names a lot over summer. We talked to Arcade owner Mark James about the new song , his start in music and his career highlights of playing Golbal Gathering and Tommorwland



For those that haven’t heard your music before, how do you describe your sound?

Our sound is Disco meets the Future !


Tell us about your new song ‘ME TIME’ that was released last Friday?

Our new song is a dancefloor friendly disco meets modern happy track for summer massive .


What does the song mean to you both?

A Lot of hard work writing and producing new music during Covid lockdowns so it's great to have our music now seeing the light of day and played out in clubs .


Who came up with the concept for the video? Any memorable moments during the making of it?

VJ Morph came up with the concept and has worked all the major festivals doing video graphics .


Mark, not only are you a successful artist in your own right, but * you also own your own studio ‘Two Tribes Records’, do you find it difficult switching between the role of Artist to Producer to Label Owner?

It's easy to switch roles, I also have a nightclub on the Gold Coast called Arcade so they all revolve around the music that I’m involved in so juggling between them all is quite easy but at times very busy ….


Releasing your own music on your own label gives you full control but does this add an extra layer of pressure or expectation?

Sure it adds pressure but at least we have control where it lands and making sure the right DJs all get promos as our music is made for dancing...


Which role do you prefer? Artist, DJ or Producer, as I imagine all would have their good and bad points?

I do prefer artist / producer as you are in your own space creating what you like in your own time , Djing has it ups and downs but it's a great job at the end of the day ….


You both have previously released under pseudonyms, MJM for you Mark, DJ Peewee Ferris for you Pipi, why the change for this song?

MJM is more Techno based and Mark James is more pop / disco , house vibe .


Will we see ME TIME on rotation at Gold Coast Night Club ARCADE, where you’re a resident DJ, Mark?

100% I’m a dj there it's also my club so that's where we break the new music before its released it's a great testing ground .


How did you get your start in music?

I've been a DJ for 30 years so it was a natural progression into artist


Who do you credit as your musical influences?

I love what Purple Disco Machine & Amp; David Penn are doing .


Who would your ultimate Collab Partner be?

David Penn


You have both had huge careers here and abroad, what’s been the highlight so far personally? And why?

I think playing major festivals like Golbal Gathering and Tommorwland and playing Ibiza were highlights.


Who in your crew or team deserves a shout out but never gets one? And what do they do that keeps your world turning?

I think both our partners and families need the biggest shout out of all , lots of love …..


What's next for you? What can we expect with 2022 approaching?

New MJM single Welcome To The Club out late Nov , new Peewee Ferris in Feb and Mark James & Amp; Pipi Le Oui in March .

Interview by Michelle Symes

November 2021

Michelle Symes