Dropping Bombs Solo

Bombs Away launched into the Australian Electro music scene in 2010 releasing ‘Big Booty Bitches’ and they never looked back with hit after hit keeping their music in not only the ARIA charts but also billboard, ITunes and Beatport charts. With over 350 million streams they are definitely one of our most successful Dance acts, but all good things must evolve and change and 2021 brought that change with Sketch deciding to step away from the band and music leaving Tommy Shades to run the gauntlet solo.

Thank you, Tommy, for taking the time to answer some questions for Music Festivals Australia 

Firstly, congratulations on the release of ‘Don’t You Dare’, the song is true to the legacy of Bombs Away with its catchy hook and it's heavy electro bass sound, but it signifies the new era of Bombs Away, no longer a duo but now being a solo act. Was it hard to decide which song to launch the new era with?

Hey, thanks for having me! Well actually, this song had been written and the release was planned from before we confirmed the transition to a solo act. but I think it worked out perfectly,  this song came from my heart and I personally put a lot of myself into it, it also highlights the style that I want to continue moving towards with more vocals and more emotionally driven lyrics, while still keeping it pretty dancy, pretty high energy.


You have said the lyrics for ‘Don’t You Dare’ basically “wrote themselves” was it difficult to expose that part of your life to the world or has it helped with the healing process? 

Yeah it's part of the healing process 100%,I think I have always used lyrics and the process of writing down thoughts as a sort of therapy, it always feels great to get your thoughts out, I feel like it helps let go of them.
I wouldn't say it was difficult to expose that part during the writing process. but it definitely feels new to release something into the public like this. I'm sure there’s  lot of people that can relate to the story, or their interpretation of it.


Was it frustrating to struggle with the music after the lyrics flowed so easily? 

Umm, I think that ‘struggle’ is a part of the process. I'm aware of when something isn’t working and have learnt to take breaks and focus on other things while waiting for the other puzzle pieces. The processes of Songwriting and actually Producing the song are such different mindsets. I find that my favorite songs usually follow a similar workflow. I probably have 15 songs written that I absolutely love, some that are 12 years old, and they still haven't found their missing pieces yet. haha


The video for ‘Get Stoopid’ was filmed on the streets of the Gold Coast and included cameo appearances by DJ Kronic and The Twins, What can we expect from the video for ‘Don’t You Dare’? 

Haha, man that was such a fun clip to work on, Kronic is such a boss. This music video is, Well, It was filmed in lockdown so I decided to just green screen the whole thing and essentially photoshop new locations in after the fact. The main performance in the video was done in one take, but I filmed it at twice the speed to create this slow motion effect, so it was only one and a half minutes of filming. haha. 

2020 was a year full of uncertainty and change and for some the year came as a blessing for some a curse. How do you rate your 2020?

Ohhh, I think it would get about a 2 out of 11 for me. haha it really threw a spanner in the works for all aspects of my life. but I think in the end everything is growing bigger and better from that. There’s a quote about ‘hard times make strong men’, it’s longer than that. haha you get it. 

Did the current climate in music contribute to Matthew’s decision to leave the band?

Yeah that's definitely a contributing factor, the industry has completely changed since we started, back we were selling physical CDS and you could SEO yourself onto the front page of google. but I think mostly he is just growing up and starting a family.

Bombs Away released their first studio album ‘Fragments’ in 2018, was there a reason you waited so long? And is a new studio album on the cards for the future? 

Well we actually had a full album ready to release in 2014, but the release process was so slow that by the time it was ready to release all the music was so old and dated. Dubstep had pretty much collapsed and the style of the album just didn’t feel like it fit where we were taking the project anymore.
Well, In 2020 we released an album worth of songs, we just did it one at a time, mostly because the platforms that people receive their music now really don’t work well with multi song releases. I personally love writing albums you get to explore so much more. there is no stress of this single song being just right for the market and the label and the tour and the .. other things haha.

I’ve been lucky enough to see Bombs Away at small intimate pub style gigs (Port Macquarie Hotel x2) and big stadium festival events (Lunar Electric x3). These are obviously very different in the energy and audiences, which is easier to engage to get great crowd participation? Which do you prefer? Clubs or Stadiums?

Hmmmm, good question, they’re definitely different worlds, Festivals are really easy to get the crowd going, they feed off each other and they respond really well, so they’re definitely amazing. but I think the smaller venues where you are closer to the crowd are definitely more satisfying, it feels like a house party. you’re amidst the chaos, you are interacting with the crowd, they’re right there. 

What are the best and worst parts of being on a multi artist bill? Do egos ever get in the way? 

Hmm, I personally haven't endured anything ego based, I’ve seen it happen a few times, I’ve seen artists throwing furniture at other artists in the VIP tents (I won’t say who, haha). 

I think most of the time it’s the opposite, when touring is in full swing it becomes a pretty isolated job, so when we get the chance to come together, have a beer and a chat with friends, meet the people we look up to, we usually make the most of it. 

What is your favourite ‘Bombs Away’ song to perform and why? 

Hmmm, I'm usually most excited about whatever I’m working on that week! I love hearing how something sounds on a big system for the first time, seeing how people react, etc. but from the classics I think Squats is actually up there. Hmm maybe Bassline Maniacs, it's got the whole ‘middle fingers up’ section that is really interactive. 

What has been your favourite event to perform at or the person you have performed with?  What's been the highlight in your career so far personally? And why?

Hmmm, it’s really hard to pick a favorite, there’s so many great memories (it could definitely pick some least favorites, haha). I think the multi city festival circuits are always great, once again because you are getting to hang out with all the other people on the tour as well. 


Where was your first gig? Was it a success or flop?

First gig as Bombs Away ? or First gig ever ? Sketch and I used to run events in Perth, which gave me a lot of opportunities to do warm up sets while the club was quiet. I feel like I got to warm up really gradually which was probably amazing for confidence. Even Bombs Away started out just headlining our own events in Perth which once again was a great stage to be able to get things right with very little pressure. The first actual booked gig was in Adelaide though, it went pretty well, people seemed to already know the brand, it was amazingly inspiring and I think really encouraged us to keep pushing for the project.


In your career so far, you have already worked with some big names including Seany B, Pitbull, Luciana and The Potbelleez. Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with especially now you have gone solo?

Is this realistic or hypothetical, haha, Lately I have been obsessed with La Roux’s voice. Wow, I can’t stop listening to her. I would love to write a big cinematic, synthwave anthem with her wow! same with Connie from Sneaky Sound System, the way she delivers her vocals is just amazing. but if we’re getting less realistic, let's say Michael Jackson, Machine Gun Kelly, Bjork, Imogen Heap, Chris Martin (Coldplay), John Farnham (YESS) haha there is too many, I need to stop!


In your journey as a performer/group/musician have you changed?  Is life much different for you from when you started out?  

Umm, yes and no, I think my passion for music and my incentive has always been the same, I just love creating and expressing myself through music. I would still be doing this if it wasn’t my career. But I think the things that  I am confident with expressing have changed. don’t get me wrong i still love a great party track and  love a crazy complex dubstep bassline even more, but I think I’ve grown up a lot in being able to let words drive a storyline and also being okay with simplicity

Who in your crew or team deserves a shout out but never gets one? And what do they do that keeps your world turning?

My Touring agent Trent, and the team From Soapbox have been really supportive through the solo transition. but they have also been onboard from almost day one, they handle all the flights and hotels and cars and awkward situations, haha honestly touring without that support would be so much harder. I find travel relaxing because I just follow the itinerary they give me. 

What's next for Tommy Shades? What can we expect for the rest of the year and beyond?

Well inline with the last question,  I’ve actually just signed with a new agency for international Touring, Soapbox will still handle Aus bookings but ATA will be doing Euro, Americas and all of ASIA, so hopefully within the next year or so, the vaccine can calm things down and I can start travelling the world!
I personally really want to finish some of the older songs I mentioned earlier, I think I've found a direction that will really let me incorporate those more meaningful messages into some high energy dance records!!.
Apart from that there is a lot of music coming out, a few collabs, a bunch of remixes. I’m really excited about  the projects that are coming up, and even more excited about the ones that aren’t finished yet


August 2021

Interview by Michelle Symes