Pat Stevenson’s tip for the Splendour Virgin

Casamigos is making its Splendour In The Grass debut this year with an Oasis full of music, Celebs and of course Tequila for all to enjoy. Pat Stevenson is one of the DJ’s playing an exclusive set at the Casamigos Tequila Oasis and MFA caught up with him to ask for his top tips for a Splendour Virgin and who he’s keen to see off the massive lineup.

How would you describe this Splendour experience for someone who's never attended before?

I would describe the Splendour experience as being something that will absolutely change your mind in terms of music festivals because it's a three day camping festival. Your sort of almost stuck there, especially if you’re camping, but that's the great thing because you get to know all the people around you at the campsite. You start to recognize some faces and then you start really figuring out where all the little hidden gems are through the festival. You make it up to the teepee forest, you’ve got all the little hidden bars and Casamigos Tequila Oasis debuting this year is gonna be fantastic. I think by the end of the festival, you still haven't seen the whole site yet. So make sure to come back and do it again.

What should first timers be wary or cautious of?

I think as a first timer at Splendour, when you get up to Byron Bay, usually you get in at midday and the sun is shining. But as soon as that sun hits the shade, and hides behind the trees you are going to get cold so you need to make sure you bring a hoodie, some thermals or something to warm up in.

Do you suggest any special preparation to get ready for the splendor weekend?

Plenty to recommend. Make sure you're always hydrated because it's a long day. It's a marathon not a sprint. So make sure you're drinking responsibly, having a water between a couple of margaritas and pace yourself through the day. Make sure you've got a bit of sunscreen on because the sun can really punch through. Make sure you have a meeting place for your mates in case either of you get lost. For example, at 3pm we'll meet at the Smirnoff Seltzer Springs tent to reconvene. Really just plan the communication because the phone signals can definitely drop out. So make sure there's quick comms amongst your friends and plan the day out.

Who set are you most excited to see off the Splendour lineup and why

The set that I'm most excited to see would have to be Flume or Lizzo, there's a bit of a tie. I've never seen Lizzo perform before, I've seen Flume play and he just blows my mind every single time because it's always an interesting audio visual experience. As a homegrown lad you've got to support Flume. He’s Sydney born and bred and I've got to pay my tributes to the boy, he's killing it! I was his photographer on the very first tour in 2013, so I feel like I owe him the favor in return. He took me around Australia, so I'll rock up and enjoy the set!

What is your favorite memory memory from past Splendours?

It's a controversial one, but my favorite memory is almost last year when it was torrential rain. We were in the thick of La Nina and there was just an absolute mud pit. It's always when you go through the trials and tribulations and the challenges of a muddy festival that tend to stick out in your head and you remember so I don't think I'll be forgetting last year in time soon.

Interview by Michelle Symes

July 2023