River Fest's Kate Mahood

The 2023 edition of Rockhampton’s River Fest kicks off at the end of this month, with a huge roster of Australian artists and bands from a variety of genres. The town centre is set to come alive over three days for this Family Friendly & FREE event for a jammed packed program of Music, Art Installations, Workshops, market stalls and local food trucks. We caught up with a few of the acts on the lineup to ask them about their River Fest preparations, what can fans look forward to and who they are excited to see from the extensive lineup. First Up…Kate Mahood.

You are one of the acts announced for the 2023 River Fest happening in Rockhampton from the 28th -  30th of July.  Are you excited to be a part of this huge line-up of musical talent?

I’m super excited to be included on the lineup this year , it will be my first time playing at River Fest and I’m really looking foward to it!


How do you prepare yourself for a festival event like River Fest?

I usually choose my songs and set list a good few weeks out from a festival and start rehearsing with my guitarist if I’ll be playing as a duo. I also try and up the self care little , make sure I do my vocal exercises, get plenty of rest etc so I know I’ll perform my best.


What can punters expect from your upcoming performance in sunny Rockhampton?

They can expect a set of mostly original songs with a mixture of folk and country vibes, some storytelling, and some funky electric guitar too.


If you could jump on stage and collab with any artist or band from the River Fest line-up, who would it be and why?

Definitely Amber Lawrence, she’s a huge inspiration to me!


What's your favourite festival memory either as a scheduled act or as an attendee?

One of my favourite memories would have to be for when I opened for Busby Marou at the Capricorn Food and Wine Festival last year. We all jumped up on stage to sing ‘Everything is Beautiful’ with the guys and the energy of the crowd was just incredible.


Do you find festivals are a good way to expand your fanbase as you can showcase your music to people who haven’t heard you before?

Yes they are a great way to expand your fan base as they attract people who really value and are interested in hearing original music.

What’s the one song from your catalogue that you HAVE to include in a festival set?

Changeling, which is a song based on a true story of a young woman from Ireland from the year 1895. It’s a really fun fast paced song to play and always seems to be a crowd favourite.


Do you have a message for the attendees that are coming to see you play at River Fest?

Just that I would love to see you there, its going to be a great weekend :-)

Interview by Michelle Symes

July 2023