You Can't Label , AMARNI

AMARNI, rapper, singer , dancer and social media big gun gets set to for the release of her new single “OKAY’ and her debut EP ‘F*ck Love, Get Money’ this Friday, August 13th and while her fans countdown the days to the drop , the powerhouse took time out to talk to MFA/MKA about the new music, her new fashion label and what makes her such a strong influence not only on the socials but also the music scene.

F*ck Love, Get Money  EP

F*ck Love, Get Money EP

August 13th sees the release of your new single ‘OKAY’ and debut EP ‘F*CK LOVE, GET MONEY’

Are you nervous for the massive day or just excited to be able to get it out to the public?

I’m definitely just super excited to get it out! For the last 2 years I have released 10 singles

consecutively so it’s only right I dropped a whole project for my fans.

2020 and so far, 2021 have been full of uncertainty and change, for some the year came as a

blessing for some a curse. How do you rate your 2020/21?

I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been challenging, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

However I think it’s important to be able to adapt to any situation/time. Instead of being on the

road doing shows and touring, iv been locked in the studio doing 12 hour days so I’m really

happy, especially finalizing my EP and getting ready for the big release date!

You released 10 tracks in 24 months which could take some artists years to achieve, is that a

testament to your drive and ambition?

100%. My hustle and consistency is unmatched and I definitely pride myself in always producing

quality over quantity.

“Fierce, Controversial, Talented, Independent, unapologetically herself and most of all an absolute

showstopper.” This is how you are described by fans and media alike, is this what you attribute

to your rapid rise and massive popularity?

Definitely! Sometimes I don’t realize how much I’m loved for just being my complete self. I’m

not the type of person to front on social media or pretend my life is all flowers and rainbows - I

share the good and the bad. I want people to look at me and be able to relate and know we go

through the same things. I have this bond with my fans, its really special.

AMARNI, you are known for your racy posts and designer outfits. How would you like to be

known? How would you like to be described?

Nothing less than a BAD ASS BITCH. Not because of my money, not because of my success or how

many followers I have. Because I look in the mirror everyday and 100% LOVE ME! I show up as my

best self everyday and that includes loving my flaws. Everything starts with self love.

You have gained a huge following that includes more than 400,000 followers across your social

accounts, what do you contribute to this massive popularity too?

Being real, raw and authentic! Like I said, I share the pretty and the ugly. I have been through a

lot in my life but it’s also a testament to my strength. Everything that was sent to set me 10

steps back just pushed 100 steps forward and I think that’s a really big factor why people love

to watch my journey as well as achieving all the things I have.

Your tracks gained more than 1.1M streams on Spotify in 2020, did that comes as a surprise to

you and was there a celebration involved when you hit that I million milestone?

Every milestone is a celebration but I never stop working. I’m so competitive with myself that,

Now 1 millions like ‘yeah cool’ I want 10 million now! Haha but I am super proud of myself and

the team and excited to take on what’s next.

Do you have a favourite song you like to perform from your music catalogue?

Definitely my 2 most popular songs, ‘Pretty little thing’ and ‘Beyonce’. When I perform them I

usually can’t even hear myself, That’s how loud the crowd is screaming my lyrics. It’s a feeling I

can’t describe and I just crave being on stage all the time because of that.


You have many talents, which your career is reflecting. Do you prefer the rapper, singer, or Hiphop

dancer label? Which would be your favourite direction to pursue in the future?

I love all of them equally and that’s my point of difference. That’s what sets me apart from any

other artists right now. I’m not just a rapper, singer or dancer - I’m an all round entertainer.

You received major backlash following the release of your song ‘Mashallah’(which means “what

God has willed” in Arabic and is also used to express appreciation or praise for something) from

the Muslim community which branded the song ‘highly offensive’ and you have publicly stated

you meant no offence when creating and releasing the song. Was this reaction one you had


I mean it’s not that I anticipated it but I knew that my community would have something

negative to say. The minority of people who did find the song offensive are obviously missing

the core value of what it means to be godly because the message behind the song and video

was so powerful and positive. I’m a Muslim myself so never would I say anything that was

disrespectful to my own religion period.

Is there anyone you would like to perform or Collab with in the future?

Dream collaboration would be Drake. That would just be… I mean damn! Say less.

Where was your first gig? Was it a success or flop?

My first gig was opening up for Jacques Australian tour. It was more than a success. My heart

almost stopped on stage. Everyone was screaming my song and chanting my name - it was

insane!!!! My favourite gig ever!

‘INRAMA’ is your own Merchandise range, can you tell us a bit more about the range and how

this came about?

I’m super excited to be dropping my own fashion label. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a

kid. I use to sit in my bedroom from the age of 6 and just draw design after design- I have

containers full! I saved every dollar I had as a kid just so I could buy the latest clothes out so

I’m so thrilled to finally have my own line. I can’t say too much now but all I can say is I’m

bringing fashion Australia hasn’t seen before - stayed tuned!

Who in your crew or team deserves a shout out but never gets one? And what is they do that

keeps your world turning?

If you follow me then you know I always show love to my mains because without them I

couldn’t run my business the way I do! Shout out to the whole team at New levels. Also my

father! My mentor and best friend. He really taught me how to be a boss, down to how to walk

into a room! I don’t know what I would do without him.

What's next for you? What can we expect in 2022 and beyond?

WINS ON WINS ON WINS! I’m really just getting started. I’m going to be the biggest female artist

to ever come out of Australia so I’m excited to make some noise and show my people that

anything is possible when you work your ass off.

Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions for Music Festivals Australia


Interview By Michelle Symes

August 2021

6 AUGUST 2021