That's New... Black Powder

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KALLIDAD are hitting the road to deliver the band's upcoming single to be released in September, but before they packed their bags, we caught up for a chat with Jason about the new song ,"Black Powder", the National Tour ahead and of course, Festivals.

Jason, Are you excited for the release of ‘Black Powder’, your newest gift to the world in September?

Yes, of course. The song is an absolute steamroller and it’s so much fun to play. We debuted it at a couple small live shows and people are already hassling us about when they can hear it recorded! The song is pirate themed so there’s a real stomp and groove and energy to it!


The band has a National Tour that kicks off next week, Are you glad to be getting back to performing in front of real crowds?

It’s going to be amazing. That said, with the newest round of restrictions it’s highly likely that we won’t be leaving Queensland anytime soon and some of the shows, especially in NSW and VIC are going to be cancelled or rescheduled. It’s so unfortunate, as we booked some of those shows over a year ago when the coast seemed clear!

 2020 was a year full of uncertainty and change and for some the year came as a blessing and for some a curse. How do you rate your 2020?

As a band it obviously wasn’t what we hoped for. Major Australian and European tours were cancelled and we spent most of the year stuck at home like so many other Australians. However on a personal level we took our first proper long break ever from music and that was actually relaxing and inspiring to do so many things we haven’t had time for in years. For example- I was able to join my local soccer team, which was impossible when actively touring!


Small intimate pub style gigs and big stadium events are obviously very different in the energy and audiences, which is easier to engage in great crowd participation? Which do you prefer? Clubs or Stadiums?

I couldn’t say we have ever played in a real stadium. But we play lots of large outdoor shows all over the world and those are amazing. There’s a huge energy, and usually dozens or hundreds of people discover the band for the very first time at those large festival style events which is awesome. You get to see the shock on their face that they can’t believe what they are seeing and hearing! Those shows are super fun and memorable.

Clubs are awesome because everybody is there specifically to see Kallidad. They know the band and the songs, they are passionate fans and they have come out of their way to party with us! You get a strong, loyal audience who is super fired up from the get go and you can really engage and communicate and connect.

Like all things in life, a balance between the two styles of show is ideal!

That said if I could play in stadiums for the rest of my life I wouldn’t turn it down ;)


Kallidad has played at some of Australia’s major festivals including Splendour in the Grass and Falls Festival. Will we see you play more festivals in the future?

 Yes of course! We are appearing at Wallaby Creek Festival and Tablelands Folk Festival in Far North Queensland in 2021. And I certainly foresee countless great festival experiences for many years into the future.

We have some major European festivals rescheduled from 2020 that can hopefully go ahead in 2022!


What are the best and worst parts of being on a multi artist bill? Do egos ever get in the way?

 I wouldn’t say egos get in the way. But as a non drinker, non smoker, and somebody who is focused on being as high quality a musician as possible on the stage, and as professional as possible off the stage I am sometimes frustrated when people in other groups seem to focus more on partying than music and seem to care more than they themselves have a good time than the audience!

But it doesn’t bother me, I just do my own thing or go for a walk or go say thank you to our audience rather than get sucked into the backstage sessions!


Kallidad has a long-standing history of playing masked, which seems to be a trend at the moment. What inspired the decision to keep your identities hidden? And how do you feel about so many people now doing the same? Does it detract from your originality or enhance the band reputation as pioneers?

We certainly weren’t the first group to wear faceprint so we don’t make any claim to be originators in that regard. It’s just fun to have really strong onstage characters and visuals- way more fun and exciting than just rolling up in jeans! It started as a one-off- we just painted our faces once for a bit of a laugh. The crowd response was so visceral it was super obvious that we had found our visual identity .I would much rather see lots of performers making a real effort to put on a great show. If that includes masks and faceprint and costumes I am all for it! Music is supposed to be fun!


Your music is all instrumental “no lyrics are necessary to feel the energy and passion behind the music” what inspired you to be a completely instrumental band which is highly unusual in the modern music world? 

We were just playing for fun. The sound was just what we were jamming with at home and people heard it and started booking us almost immediately.


What has been your favourite event to perform at or the person you have performed with? What's been the highlight in your career so far personally? And why?

The first time we ever got on a plane to go to a concert (Sydney to Melbourne) was for me a childhood dream come true! I felt like a “real” band that day! (it was on the way to Rainbow Serpent Festival 2012

Same as the first time we went to Europe. That was just so exciting! We landed in Barcelona and I felt that what I had been working for my whole life might actually be happening!

Performing at Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland, right before Slash made me feel that Kallidad can achieve anything in future.

I just love being in a van with the guys, far from home, waking up in a town after a good gig and getting in the car to go to the next one! I could literally do that every day of my life, no problem! So the whole journey has been a highlight.

We are great mates with the band Tijuana Cartel. They have taken us on lots of tours , helped us a lot and are close friends and mentors.


 Is there anyone you would like to perform or collab with?

I am really not interested in collaborations! I am much more interested in trying to refine and perfect the band’s sound and presentation, rather than bring other people in. Sorry to sound antisocial. That’s just how I am. I also never really like when my favourite artists collaborate with others. It’s never as good as the main band!


Where was your first gig? Was it a success or flop?

I was at a friend’s 18th birthday party. There was a band playing. Another friend ran over to me breathlessly and said “the band is taking a short break. I asked to borrow their gear. I need you to come RIGHT NOW and play ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ so I can sing it.” He had already lined up another friend to play drums.

I thought this was a terrible idea with no rehearsal and no idea what we were doing. But we did it and it was a raging success. The girls loved it ;)


In your journey as a performer/group/musician have you changed? Is life much different for you from when you started out?

 For sure. When we started I was single, in university, working two or three jobs and had few serious responsibilities or commitments.

Now I am married and the band is a full time enterprise so I have to stay on top of the business side of things as well as trying to be responsible and reliable. But honestly I am happier than ever now, and feel I have more freedom and time to myself. I enjoy pretty much everything I do during the day, which wasn’t the case when I was working crappy jobs in the past just to survive.

So basically we are a little more grown up but if anything, our passion, appreciation and energy for music has increased because we don’t take it for granted anymore and we know how lucky we are to still be doing it! In the early days it was easy to squander time cause it seemed unlimited. Now we grab every day by the throat, especially after experiencing the lockdowns and realising this blessing can be taken from us at any time.


Who in your crew or team deserves a shout out but never gets one? And what is do they do that keeps your world turning?

My wife Marianna travels with the band and takes care of Kallidad’s merchandise. She has sacrificed her own career to do that. It’s a huge part of what keeps us going and she does an amazing job.


 What is your favourite Kallidad song to perform?

Whichever is the newest one! I love road testing material and giving the band the challenge of making sure the new songs are better than the existing ones! It’s nice to look down at the set list and see a brand new tune because it keeps you very much on your toes and in the moment!


What's next for you? What can we look forward to from Kallidad?

If the restrictions play out how it appears they will, and some of our interstate shows are cancelled or rescheduled, I expect we will have time to release a full album by the end of 2021 or early 2022.

Black Powder Tour Dates

Black Powder Tour Dates

August 2021

Interview By Michelle Symes

Michelle Symes