Emily Victoria’s Top 4 Songs for a chilled Sunday morning
Photo credit Brendan Schoenmaker
Emily Victoria’s Top 4 Songs for a chilled Sunday morning.
1. Sunday Morning - The Velvet Underground.
Ok . This was the first song that came to my head of course .. The song itself captures Sunday morning, the smell of fresh coffee and sunlight. The way that Lou Reed sings reminds me of my mum so there is a comfort element there. The journey of the melody from verse to chorus sounds and feels so effortless and easy which connects with Sunday. I was introduced to The Velvet Underground by my friend Xan who used to dye her hair with henna and burn incense in her room from and introduce me to all the beautiful markets Eltham way. Sunday Morning also makes me think of sunflowers and the colour yellow and youth . I love the song for all these image .
2. The Swan - Camille Saint-Saëns .
A cello classic. I always listened to cello music / Swoon mixes on our CD player on Sunday mornings with eggs in a tiny cottage in Daylesford that my family would visit every weekend. It was always freezing there and we didn’t have proper heating. The cottage was surrounded by half an acre of garden, a glass house and a haunted cubby with a gate that you could go through to a botanical garden. I spent many years dreaming there . . reading Alice in Wonderland, Wind in the Willows, Dutch pancakes were also a regular Sunday favourite. And Jacqueline du Pré was always there somewhere, enchanting us with her haunting cello playing.
3. Nem Vem que não tem - Wilson Simonal
One night I said to my brother Hugo, we’ve got to watch this film… City of God . . the whole soundtrack is phenomenal. I had visions of the chickens running around and hadn’t seen it in ages. We both were automatically addicted to the soundtrack. Every track is amazing and accompanies the colour palette of the film so well. Anyway, Astrid Gilberto and an espresso coffee mix that my mum used to own which featured heaps of Bacharach songs, sit in the same space with deep reds and light greens and vibrant blues of this music. A Sunday morning in the Summer. .
4. Didn’t I - Darondo.
Another comfort song. I used to listen to this song with my friend Celine on her deck. It’s a song that sounded familiar the first time we heard it. So much warmth and I love the sound of the flute. There’s such a beautiful release in the second section and the harmony is settling. There’s something very peaceful and grounding about this song which related to where things were for me when I was eighteen when everything just felt really relaxing, and I listened to a lot of music like this.