Donovan Woods will be Living Well in Australia

Photo Credit Brittany Farhat

Canadian artist Donovan Woods is preparing for a big few months with a new album and his first tour downunder all rapidly approaching. Donovan has announced he is heading down under for the first time this June to play 7 shows across the country where fans may be lucky enough to get a preview of Donovan’s seventh studio album ‘Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now’, which is due out on the 12th of July via End Times Music. We were lucky enough to be able to ask Donovan a few questions about the tour, what fans can expect from his live shows and what he wants to see while he is in Australia.

Donovan, you have announced heading to Australia this June for a 7-date National tour. Will this be the first time you've toured Australia? 

Yes, it is! It’s the first time I’ve ever BEEN to Australia at all.

Where or what are you looking forward to most about your visit Downunder? Will you be doing the "tourist thing" while you are here? 

I will most certainly be doing as much of the tourist thing as I can. Mostly I like to see art galleries. So I will be seeking those out actively. Also, I love walking in new cities - just feeling them out and getting a sense of what it’s like to live there.

I’m on a tour of the US right now and I’ve been playing the new songs
— Donovan Woods

Your new album 'Things Were Never Good If They're Not Good Now' is due out on the 12th of July, any chance some of your new material will feature in your set? 

It certainly will, yeah. I’m on a tour of the US right now and I’ve been playing the new songs, trying to figure out how they work for audiences. It’s almost like re-discovering the song. I’m trying to figure out how you can best present it to people. It’s fun and surprising.

What else can punters expect from your upcoming headline shows? 

Well, I talk a lot. I talk about the songs, about writing them, and about other things I’d like to talk about. I try to get as many songs in as I can, but the talking is just as important to me.

people yell and, you know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease
— Donovan Woods

What's the one song from your back catalogue that you always slip into a live set? 

I’m always trying to get old songs out of the set, but people yell at me, and understandably so. They want to hear their favourites. People often want to hear an old song called “That Hotel” which kind of fell out of favour with me. But people yell and, you know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

A portion of the ticket sales is being donated to the wonderful Australian Charity Support Act, is mental health something you try to raise awareness for where possible? 

I certainly have had my own mental health struggles, last year for instance was one of the most difficult of my life. I think working in music leaves you particularly susceptible to health challenges. There’s such a value on ‘grinding’ and ‘paying your dues’, that people forget to pay attention to their own well-being. Every moment of touring seems to put you at risk, and the rewards don’t always warm your heart the way you imagined they would. Any charity that centres on artists is doing important work in my mind. We lose too many young artists.

Besides your passport, what’s the one essential you HAVE to take on the tour, especially on an overseas tour? 

The Canadian version of Advil Cold & Sinus seems to be 2 or 3 times more powerful than cold medicines in other countries. I don’t know if this is true, but I always bring a lot of it with me anywhere I go. It is truly a miracle drug. It gives you a solid hour and a half of clear sinuses. Clear enough to sing.

when a tour bus toilet overflowed I watched him brush his teeth while standing on a bench so he didn’t get pee on his shoes
— Donovan Woods

Who in your touring entourage or team deserves a shout-out but never gets one? And what is it they do that keeps your world turning? 

I feel like I do a fairly good job of giving everyone their allotted shout-outs. It’ll be just me and my photographer friend, Nate on this tour of Australia. But my drummer Mack, who won’t be with us on this run, is a real MVP on tour. His mood is remarkably consistent. He’s a positive person and it’s always very appreciated. One time when a tour bus toilet overflowed I watched him brush his teeth while standing on a bench so he didn’t get pee on his shoes and he was still smiling.

Do you have a message for your Australian Fans? 

I’m sorry it took me so long to tour there! We were gonna try in 2020 but, you know, the shit happened. I’ve seen Sydney and Melbourne in my top Spotify cities for years and you deserve better. Let’s begin our relationship!

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