Sunday Honey's Top 4 tips for taking care of your mental health
Photo credit : Isaac Brooks
Sunday Honey's Top 4 tips for taking care of your mental health
1. Do things that you enjoy. It’s scientifically proven that music can help aid your mental state. Although it’s awesome to talk about your feelings, sometimes even we struggle to, so that’s when we write it down and we can turn it into lyrics.
2. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. It’s not weak to speak.
3. Find some place that you can go to to relax. It's important to find your safe space where you can be completely transparent with yourself, and take the time to really reflect on your feelings.
4. Make sure to take care of yourself before others. Although it’s easy to make sure that your friends are ok, you’ve got to take the time to make sure that you’re also doing well. It’s hard to look out for others if you’re struggling yourself.